Tuesday, September 25, 2007

CBS MONDAY COMEDIES: How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory

My favourite show currently on the air is (no secret here: How I Met Your Mother). I was, however, disappointed in last night's third season premier. While still better than most sitcoms out there (see the second half of this post), last night's HIMYM was not up to their usual standard. After re-watching the entire first season on DVD and gearing up to buy the second when it comes out on Oct 2, I was really excited about the premier but it lacked some of the omph of past season. I can't pin down why it wasn't as good- it just was lacking something. I must also say that I hate Lily's hair. She said herself in season 1 that "the bangs were a mistake" in reference to her homecoming picture. She used to be a cute, down to earth red head who paralleled Marshall in a lovely way. Now, with her cool girl straight bangs and dark hair she looks stylish, popular and kind of mean. Her look doesn't reflect her personality anymore and her and Marshall don't fit as nicely together because she looks like one of the cool kids and he looks like one of the actually cool kids. It seems to me that Alyson Hannigan is trying to outrun Willow with all her might, though I have to say: WHAT'S WRONG WITH WILLOW?

The second comedy of the night was the series premier of Big Bang Theory from the creators of Two and a Half Men, starring 8 Simple Rules' Kaley Cuaco. This was dull. It had its moments of funniness but overall had the ring of a sitcom where the laugh track sticks out because it doesn't inspire nearly that much laughter. On a really great sitcom a laugh track is completely unnoticeable. Though, as we learned last year with The Class, the pilot is oftentimes not nearly as good as the rest of the series- I say let it grow. I doubt this one will make it far, it's a shame though- I do love watching geeks at work, so cute!

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